When you receive a traffic violation, it’s natural to ask yourself: “Should I hire a traffic ticket lawyer to handle this?” My advice: Call a traffic lawyer as soon as you receive the ticket to discuss your case. I always offer people a free phone consultation so they understand the issues involved and can make an informed decision. Note: you only have 15 days to answer traffic tickets so call a traffic attorney ASAP.
Here’s what you need to consider when deciding whether to hire a traffic lawyer:
1. There are costly consequences to being found guilty of even just one moving violation—such as speeding, running a stop sign or red light, mechanical violation, cellphone use, or reckless driving. Such offenses can lead to having to pay heavy fines to traffic court, points added to your driver’s license, and auto insurance increases for years. Insurance companies can increase your premiums based on the points accumulated on your driving record and rates can rise dramatically with just one traffic violation—an expense that, over the years adds up to a lot more money than a one-time fee to a traffic lawyer. And if an insurance company examines your record to find that you are in a high-risk category, it can cancel your insurance altogether.
2. Hiring a traffic ticket attorney can make the difference between getting a warning and paying fines or having your driver’s license suspended.
3. A traffic lawyer can save you from having to take off time from work to appear in traffic court. For most moving violations, I can represent and defend my clients from fines, points, and auto increases without my clients having to be there.
4. Your driving record can impact your career. An employer may check your driving record before finalizing your job offer. Some colleges do the same before finalizing college acceptances!
Now you can probably understand why it’s almost always advisable to hire a traffic lawyer to handle your traffic ticket. Be sure to find someone you trust and who is affordable. Some attorneys charge by the hour or by the appearance. I don’t. I let clients know upfront exactly what my fee is for legal representation and what kind of results you can expect.
Eli Moore is Westchester County and New York City's top traffic lawyer. For a free consultation, write him at EliMooreLaw@gmail.com or call (914) 523-5552 . To learn more, go to EliMooreLawTrafficAttorney.com. Follow him on Twitter @EliMooreLaw.
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